TheBitz420 Review – Can You Really Just Buy Weed Online? April 2024

I don’t think anyone expected sites like Dispenseree to pop up out of nowhere, and then stick around. Buying weed online seemed like the territory of anyone willing to learn how to access and use darknet markets but even if you did learn the reliability, speed, general faff just made it a poor experience. Being able to just go to a website using the normal internet and purchase something like it was a normal store is blowing my mind.

Update March 2024: Thebitz420 is closed

Is thebitz420 real?

Most sites on the clearnet selling weed are likely to be fake, for every Dispenseree there’s a dispenser33 or dispenseree.dodgydomain so it’s important to do your research before risking your money and information.

In this case we looked through the recent discussion around the community and decided that amongst a few top names was a standout for good delivery and service. Note: People often handout dodgy copies of links so feel free to check that is still the right one.

After researching darknet markets I was honestly blown away that this not only looked like a modern online store but it also loaded quickly. So much better.

TheBitz420 – What Can You Buy?

If you’re used to the other online stores you might find the selection here slightly smaller than usual (no extracts yet) but what is there all looks great. For this I decide to risk bout £30 and see there’s a birthday promotion on for just that amount:

There’s also a range of hash, edibles and vapes on top of flower which comes as normal bud or big bags of shake. Everything looks great and has full descriptions. Some of the edibles included sweets, and a milkshake powder which looked cool.

Browsing through a bit of flower showed that most of these come in different weights e.g. 3.5g 7g 14g 28g which makes sense and the prices are pretty much what you’d expect. £200 for some decent Amnesia Haze for example. Some people will feel these are a bit high but that all depends on your situation and how you currently find cannabis if you do. It seems pretty reasonable to me.

TheBitz420 Contacting Support

Contacting support was an absolute breeze. The telegram address is on their website and within about 10 minutes of sending a message containing my order number and a description of the issue it was all fixed. You can’t really ask for more than that, and it’s based on this support experience more than anything else that has made be sing TheBitz420’s praises.

Go to their website for the latest support address in case it ever changes.

Is it safe to order from TheBitz420?

Based on this experience I’d say that this was a great experience, better than some/most online retailers in the normal world! Obviously there are no guarantees here so if anything does go wrong then it’s your money to lose. The community seems to be positive on this site though and I understand why. Quick shipping, great service, decent selection. You can’t ask for much more considering the convenience!

At the end of the day though this is straight up illegal. If you do this you’re putting your handing your address over to a totally anonymous organisation but it’s recorded, and that has a different element of risk to something like a cheeky deal in the park. How do we know this data isn’t being used in other ways, or if it’s monitored by law enforcement. At the end of the day though these are potentially to you small risks and there’s a lot of people ahead of you already

Two tips though: Using a vpn is always a good idea even if you’re putting an address in. Always pay using crypto.

To round things up for this post, obviously I can’t exactly endorse using a site like this but as a piece of research I was honestly blown away. Great products, great service, next day delivery and the packaging was every bit as stealthy as you’d hope. 10/10

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