The Future of Cannabis: A Look into 2023

With the legalisation of cannabis in many countries, the world has seen a huge increase in people using it and the last few years the cannabis industry has seen a massive surge in popularity and around the world countries are now legalising it for recreational use. It looks like this trend is only going to get bigger in the next few years! The latest and greatest example is Thailand which is already seeing a huge uptick in tourism despite being a popular destination already!

How will cannabis be used in 2023?

There are loads of ways in which cannabis will be used in 2023. For now the method you’re going to hear about most is it’s use as a medicine. Cannabis has been used for thousands of years to treat various ailments and conditions. In recent years, scientists have discovered that cannabis can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions like chronic pain, nausea, and anxiety. We expect that in 2023 we’re going to see more and more doctors beginning to prescribe medical cannabis to their patients. I use full spectrum CBD to help manage my anxiety on a daily basis.

More and more people are turning to cannabis as an alternative to alcohol and other drugs which could be a huge benefit to society! This could lead to a decrease in alcohol and drug-related harm, crime, and damage. This could have a significant effect on relieving pressures on the emergency services.

This is going to surprise you because we’re mad for it here at canzen but one of the most exciting developments in the cannabis industry is the emergence of CBD products. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis that does not produce the intoxicating effects of THC. As such, it is becoming increasingly popular for its potential medical benefits, such as reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and reducing anxiety. In 2023, it is expected that CBD products will be widely available, with many companies creating and selling CBD products such as improved vaping devices and liquidsedibles, and concentrates.

Will the cannabis industry grow in 2023?

Finally, 2023 is expected to be a big year for the cannabis industry in terms of investment and innovation. With the increasing acceptance of cannabis, more businesses are looking to invest in the industry, and there will be a surge in the development of new products and technologies. This could lead to a boom in the industry, with more people being able to access and use cannabis safely and legally.

Overall, it’s clear that cannabis will be used in a variety of ways in 2023. From medical use to recreational use and even as an alternative to alcohol, cannabis is becoming increasingly accepted by society. With the emergence of new products and technologies, 2023 is sure to be an exciting year for the cannabis industry.

Here at canzen we’re always working to provide the latest and best Cannabis products available on the UK market. Sign up to newsletter and the moment we hear news about any legalisation or big changes we’ll let you know.

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