Cannabis Legislation in the UK: What Changes May Be on the Horizon in 2023?

Cannabis legislation in the UK is currently being reviewed and we’re hoping there will be some significant changes in 2023! The government is considering various options for the legal regulation of cannabis, including allowing it for medicinal purposes and possibly even for recreational use. But before we get excited let’s get into the detail

Currently, cannabis is classified as a Class B drug which means it is illegal to possess, grow, distribute, or sell. However, the government has recognised the potential medicinal benefits of cannabis and has allowed it to be prescribed for certain medical conditions since 2018. We know a few people who have medical cannabis prescriptions and it’s made a huge difference to their quality of life!

There is growing support among the public and politicians for the legal regulation of cannabis, particularly for medicinal purposes. A recent poll found that two-thirds of the UK public support the legal use of medical cannabis, and a number of high-profile cases have brought the issue to the forefront of public debate.

How could the law change around Cannabis in 2023?

One option being considered by the government is the creation of a regulated market for cannabis, similar to the model in place in a number of US states. This would involve the creation of a licensing system for the cultivation and sale of cannabis, with strict controls in place to ensure the safety and quality of the product. Something we would all benefit from! For example THC concentrates like shatter or wax are accompanied by lab reports in the US.

Another option being considered is the decriminalisation of cannabis possession for personal use. This would mean that individuals caught with small amounts of cannabis for personal use would not face criminal charges, but would instead be subject to a fine or other punishment. We’re hoping that in 2023 there is at least some serious discussion and research into the ways this could be done.

It is unclear at this point which direction the UK government will take on cannabis legislation and it’s hard to see this being a big talking point until the 2024 election. However, it is clear that the issue is under active review and we may always be lucky enough see significant changes in the coming year.

Last year there was an excellent document put forward by the APPG (all party parliamentary group) for CBD products. This has a huge amount of progressive and exciting proposal that would help the UK cannabis industry expand whilst still remaining sensible and controlled. You can that document here

Whatever happens here at canzen we’re watching the changing legislation like hawks, in the evenings that might be red-eyed, glazed over hawks… As the legislation changes and hopefully opens up to more recreational uses we’re going to be here to offer you the best. Everything from cheap n’ cheerful trim to the best Cali around. We can’t wait!

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