How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System For?

CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant that is quickly gaining popularity for its potential health benefits and quite rightly so. CBD isn’t psychoactive and which means it’s not going to get you high but it is still important to understand how long it stays in your system. This can be especially important if you are going to get drug tested at work or in other settings.

In this article, we will explore how long CBD stays in your system and offer some handy tips for reducing the time it takes to metabolise and eliminate CBD from your body.

How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System For?

With CBD, the duration it stays in your system is going to vary greatly depending on a number of factors. These include factors like the amount of CBD you have taken, for example, or the frequency with which you use CBD, your age, weight, and metabolism, and the method of consumption all have an effect too.

In general, CBD is thought to have a relatively short half-life, which means that it is metabolised and eliminated from the body quite quickly. According to some estimates, the half-life of CBD can range from 18 to 32 hours, although this can vary based on the factors mentioned above.

That being said, CBD can still be detected in your system for several days or even weeks after use. For example, CBD can be detected in urine for up to a week after use, although this will depend on the amount of CBD taken and the frequency of use. In blood, CBD can be detected for up to 72 hours after use, while in saliva, CBD can be detected for up to 24 hours after being consumed.

How to get CBD out of your system faster

If you are concerned about CBD staying in your system for an extended period of time, there are a few things you can do to help reduce the duration it stays in your system:

  • Reduce your intake of CBD. The less CBD you consume, the less likely it is to be detected in your system.
  • Increasing your water intake can help to flush CBD out of your system more quickly.
  • Get that body moving. Walking, running, climbing, the gym, however you choose to exercise you will find that this is a great way to make things move a bit more quickly.
  • Choose a faster-acting method of consuming CBD, such as inhaling or applying it topically, to reduce the amount of time it stays in your system

Ultimately there is still a lack of research on the long-term effects of CBD use and how it may affect drug testing. If you are concerned about drug testing and the potential for CBD to be detected in your system, it may be best to consult with your healthcare provider or a drug testing professional for guidance. Better safe than sorry, right?

In summary, CBD can stay in your system for several days or even weeks after use, depending on the amount taken, the frequency of use, and other factors. To reduce the amount of time CBD stays in your system, you can reduce your intake of CBD, increase your water intake, do some exercise, and choose a faster-acting method of consumption.

Hopefully in the near future developments and research efforts into Cannabis and CBD in particular will pay off and CBD at least can be removed from drug testing entirely.

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